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The final event of E-DRIVETOUR took place from Tuesday, December 13th until Thursday, December 15th 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece at the Alexander University Campus of the International Hellenic University in Sindos. In this three-day event, all partners were represented either onsite or online.

On the first day of the final event, the results of the project together with feedback from the students about the educational procedure were presented. The discussion about the future exploitation of the project results led to various options for its continuation in another level. It is now on the partners to present E-DRIVETOUR’s future version in a more concrete form.

On the second day, students had the opportunity to present their intermediate projects in the form of papers in a special session dedicated to E-DRIVETOUR in the frame of the 7th International Workshop on Microsystems that took place at the Alexander University Campus.

On the final day of the event, the partners were guided through the laboratories of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the International Hellenic University to experience part of the actual experiments that took place during the first mobility period for the students.



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