Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (UTH) is the largest and the oldest institution of higher education in the region. Radom is a middle size city located in central region of Poland. UTH offers bachelor and master study at eight faculties: Economy and Legal Sciences, Computer Science and Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Electrical Engineering, Health Science and Physical Education, Philology and Pedagogy, Materials Science and Design, as well as Faculty of Arts. Currently about 4000 students study at UTH. The University is involved in Erasmus/Erasmus+ programme. In period of 2013-2014 the UTH hosted as coordinator two Intensive Programmes (IP) i.e. “Education for Sustainable Development” and “Green and Safe Road Transport in Local Communities”. In both these programs participated about 200 students from different EU universities. It should be pointed that all mentioned IPs were completed successfully.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will take a leading role at UTH as a partner in this project. The Faculty has very well equipped vehicles’ laboratories, competitive staff truly involved in automotive research and development. Details on Erasmus+ mobility at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are available at the web page: http://mechaniczny.uniwersytetradom.pl/?page_id=822&lang=en
Necessary information for students and teachers are prepared in English, Greek, Ukrainian language.
Role in the project
UTH Radom will support the project in all aspects related with sharing of knowledge on electromobility. Our teachers, based on their experiences intends to promote EU values and solidarity in the field of sustainable development taking into account the horizontal policies of the European Union. In particular this policy are focused on needs of disabled peoples as well as environmental protection. It should be pointed that UTH staff involved in this project has long time experiences in Erasmus/Erasmus+ programme. It should reduce risk factor in the project. In details UTH staff will share knowledge on ecological aspects of electromobility, historical background of EV, as well as they will teach selected aspects of modern engineering related with the Industry 4.0 in application to automotive engineering, mechatronics and environmental protection. These aspects of the knowledge are supported by researches and valuable publications of the staff involved in this project.

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