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eProInn (Energy and PROpulsion INNovation) is a spin-off company born within the Energy and Propulsion Laboratory of the University of Salerno. The team has a wide experience in research and academic activity in the fields of energy and mobility, with many international connections. Moreover, they have received several honors and awards for the research activities focused on hybrid-solar vehicles, presented at several international events, with the development of working prototypes of hybrid-solar vehicles.

The core project HySolarKit focuses on the development of a kit aimed at converting conventional cars into hybrid solar vehicles, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, increasing range and improving performance without affecting safety. The kit can be potentially applied to the majority of existing vehicle fleet, specifically front-wheel drive cars. The idea is patended by eProInn and already developed in a working prototype within the framework of a EU LIFE-SAVE project ( conducted by four industrial partners.

HySolarKit is a short-term and realistic solution that addresses urgent and pressing issues, felt both by institutions and consumers: the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and related costs; the containment of CO2 emissions, driven by Global Warming; the reduction of polluting emissions of combustion products, that are the cause of major pathogenesis and smog existence.

The company is composed by four member and seven collaborators.


Role in the project

The staff of eProInn has significant experience and skills in the management and administration of projects funded by EU, regional institutions and private companies. Specialized personnel will be appointed to the technical and administrative management of this project.

Personnel from the eProInn s.r.l. (Energy and Propulsion Innovation) will cover the subject of hybrid electric vehicle technology and provide significant expertise on conversion of conventional vehicles to solar powered hybrid electric ones, a subject that was absent from the educational program’s curriculum. Besides the teaching contribution, eProInn s.r.l. will provide students to participate to the educational procedure.


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