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Cerca Trova is a high-technology industrial SME founded in 2017 with capabilities and expertise in the areas of Industrial Automation, Measurement Systems, Data Acquisition, Advanced Materials, Technology Design Tools, Mathematical Modelling and Interactive Educational Programs. Cerca Trova is primarily focusing on developing and applying innovative breakthrough technologies for instrumentation as well as creating a range of Experience & Study Abroad Programs.


Role in the project

The activities of Cerca Trova are highly connected with the involvement in the project. Specifically the expertise in designing industrial instrumentation systems and developing software solutions for data acquisition, signal analysis, condition monitoring & predictive maintenance.  The industrial experience of CT will enrich the curriculum with a state of the art & affordable reconfigurable & interactive laboratory apparatus for teaching and that will be used as the projects demonstrator which will be deployed on fields selected among the partner companies. The company will participate in the curriculum design, teaching material preparation, development of the reconfigurable laboratory training kits, training/installation on the participating vocational schools, designing the online e-learning platform and demonstrator instrumentation & control. They will be responsible for the project’s operational organisation for the student mobility and for the accommodation of the students during their summer practices.


To visit partner website, click here


DISCLAIMER: The information provided constitutes the best knowledge from the consortium at the moment of writing. There may be a need for updates at any moment to reflect legal constraints or requirements, updates in knowledge or feedback from partners and/or funding institutions.


The European Commission's support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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